Where to Start Reading — Simple comic guides, with links to books.
The big Spider-Man story of summer 2015 was "Spider-Verse." Leading up to this story, a series called Edge of the Spider-Verse spent each issue introducing a Spider-Man from a different alternate universe. Edge of the Spider-Verse #2 introduced a world where Gwen Stacy, not Peter Parker, was bitten by a radioactive spider. This issue was wildly popular as soon as it was announced, sold out 5 printings, and she got her own series.
Her first appearance in Edge of the Spider-Verse #2 is the beginning in the first paperback below, so you can read Spider-Verse after that, or pretty easily ignore it completely. Spider-Verse isn't really Gwen's story. You just need to know she lives in a different universe from the normal Spider-Man, and once she got recruited to help a ton of them fight some big bad guys.
Below of every Spider-Gwen paperback in reading order:
All Articles Ant-Man, Archie, Avengers, Batman, Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Civil War, Daredevil, Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Jessica Jones, Loki, Marvel Events, Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, Old Man Logan, Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat, Runaways, Secret Wars, Shang-Chi, Silk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Spider-Woman, Squirrel Girl, Superman, The Eternals, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wolverine, X-Men, Young Avengers,